To date, defined creative photographers or photographers who, together with their vast experience and technical knowledge, continually create original images always personally following the entire processing path from creation to final realization.Dino Cappelletti and Laura Venditti have been working since 1984 in Grottammare where they have succeeded in setting up a prestigious photographic studio specialized in social and portrait photography, from which emerge original, fresh, innovative personalized services, the result of constant research and professional commitment.
Soft or incisive, romantic or passionate, their images are always spontaneous, forming a cocktail of sensations that the camera will never tire of describing.
Dino and Laura discovered photography thanks to an innate passion for the figurative arts, driven by the need to visually convey their feelings and emotions and an awareness of how photography could be a fruitful means of embodying their creativity.Dino and Laura, due to their particular characteristics, mutually perfect one other, giving their photo shoots a maturity of language and style appreciated by all. For years, they have also been involved in carrying out professional meetings and workshops always battling for the re-evaluation of the photographer’s image, so much so that they are among the promoters and founders of several professional photography associations.
Dino and Laura are extremely committed to the realization of photographic exhibitions, the publication of books and catalogues and the creation of a photographic archive with pictures of landscapes and local history, which is much used by organizations, companies and private individuals.
Since 2005 they have been included, through merit, in the international circuit of professional photographers, thanks to the numerous awards and acknowledgements they have collected regarding the quality and originality of the photos produced during their long career.
Today they are established creative photographers, that is to say photographers who, together with their vast experience and technical knowledge, continually create original images always following the entire processing procedure personally, from the creation to the final realization.
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